Sunday, April 5, 2015

Witches. Take a listen. Then go see One-Eyed Doll. OK?

Kimberly Freeman, guitar and vocals, One-Eyed Doll, Orangevale, CA
Kimberly Freeman of One-Eyed Doll
While the Marillion Weekends are happening, I'm so attuned to their music, anything else is having a hard time finding ear-space or listening-room, and it's difficult to give anything else the fair hearing a review deserves. New albums are piling up, music that was ordered a while back and recently received; it's gathering dust and probably will until after Montreal.

One album that I can't miss mentioning, though, is One-Eyed Doll's release, Witches. Well worth the wait... if you haven't heard them yet, now is the time. Witches is a mix of heavy rock, theatre and beautiful vocals. Spooky-good. "Prayer", almost orchestral, then "Black In The Rye", more reminiscent of the previous album, "Dirty"... and later in the album, my personal favourite: "Stillness".

Take a listen to "Prayer" here:

And be aware: you really, really won't know the full One-Eyed Doll experience until you've seen Kimberly and Junior live, on stage, in a venue near you. Check their website tour page for dates all over the USA--and if you're in Northern California, head to the Boardwalk in Orangevale on May 2nd.

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